I know, I'm slow to update my blog. I haven't had much of a chance to get out to do photography because of the large amount of snow we've had. We, in our little town, managed to shatter a 130 year old record with our wintery white stuff.
Hi, and welcome to my world. I wanted my website http://www.kathymeader.ifp3.com/ to be interactive, but currently, ifp3.com doesn't have a blog feature. As a result, I set this one up so that you could make comments of your own. Feel free to comment on photos, but also, I'd love to hear about your own encounters with nature and wildlife. Also, try www.kathymfa.imagekind.com/wildandfree. That's new and being built.
My intention is for this site to be family-friendly, and whenever possible, I'll add what information I know about certain animals and their habitats. I also try to do that on my website. I hope to simulate the format of http://www.treknature.com/, another wonderful photography/learning site regarding wildlife and nature.
One more site that frequently has photographs, links, and general news in my area is: http://www.bobshannon.org/. He first began to show my work and helped to build my confidence.
What I want most is for you to enjoy yourself. Also, being able to share your own encounters is the main reason why I set this up. Critiques are nice, but for you to have the freedom to share your thoughts in general makes this nicer, I think.
Have fun, enjoy yourself, and feel free to let me know if I've posted information that is incorrect. I'm a novice at this, learning as I go - many of you are far more informed. :)
I have two degrees in Fine Arts. I have both a BFA and an MFA; ironically, both are in writing. I started doing photography by accident when an uncle saw one of my 'fun' snapshots and said I was in the wrong business. Through his encouragement, I decided I would try to make a living at it. Ultimately, I will have greeting cards for to sell, but I'm in the process of obtaining funding.
You'll see immediately that wildlife and nature consume me...it's as if I feel it calling my name.
For every photo that I sell, one dollar goes to help preserve wildlife and their habitat. It's not much, but in today's society, every little bit helps.
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