With the ice-covered ground, I am antsy for spring. I want to go outside, watch wildlife with my camera ready, and spy on families with new babies. I love the ducks, deer, porcupines, and other critters. I even have a special affection for skunks, and no, I'm not sure why.
Winter can be enjoyable, but when the weather is dreary, gray, and foggy day after day, it takes a toll. I now understand cabin fever! There's still plenty around to photograph, but what I really long for are the vibrant colors of spring. This particular winter feels as if it will never end and there's still two months of it left.
When I really feel the need to see life, I go back and look at some of my older photographs such as the mallard pictured here. Although not the best photograph, at least it has some color - the water could use more color, but at least the duck stands out!
I love the pose, the way the feathers almost seem as if I could reach out and touch them (unlike Ma Bell...) If you're feeling a little cabin feverish yourself, hopefully this will brighten your day!
Please, feel free to share some of your musings and wildlife experiences.
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