The other day, unable to sleep, I rousted my dog from his slumber and we headed out as dawn broke. We came across this snake and I don't think it's a Rattle Snake even though the markings appear similar.
It's interesting that this snake can mimic a rattle snake (If threatened) by rustling dead leaves with its tail. Also, it puffs up, hisses, and strikes - just like any snake that feels like it is in danger. The markings, to me, remind me of a rattle snake (please keep in mind that I am color blind and designs are hard for me to distinguish because of another eye disorder) and if my eyes are not playing tricks on me, is it possible that the snake's marking are meant to fool predators into thinking that it is indeed a rattle snake? (If of course, this is a Gopher snake)
The morning I took this, the sun was way too bright and it was hard to get an angle that showed the entire snake without the hot spots that you see - hard as it is to believe, this is the best shot of the entire snake.I wanted to carcass watch to see what would feed on this, but due to the fact he was in the middle of the road, I doubted that would be the wisest idea. I may be a little loopy, but going for the next Darwin Award isn't my idea of a terrific morning...
On a side note, I took a close up of the head and, to me, it seems to be smiling, then again, it could be my macabre humor. Unable to help myself, and feeling rather mischievous, I thought I'd post this for those who are feeling, well, hungry...
Deep fried rattle snake
Rattle Snake
2 Blocks of Butter
Garlic Powder Salt Pepper
Cream Cheese
Beer Batter
Tooth Picks
Lots of Deep fryin oil
Take long pieces of your rattle snake and hunks of cream cheese adding a good size amount on your snake meat.
Add small amounts of garlic, salt and pepper to cream cheese.
Roll snake into long pieces.
Take your butter and melt it then take your snake and cheese and let sit in butter.
Take your favorite beer batter and let the snake sit in the batter for a matter of minutes.
You will need to stick your tooth picks in the snake when you fry or the cream cheese will go all over the place.
Then take your snake rolls and drop in oil . Let it fry until golden brown and then enjoy.
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